How It Works

GroupsApp - the easiest way of connecting with people is here. We have developed this application to build a communication bridge between people who share the same interests, passion, and values, This is where real and meaningful conversations happen. The app helps the users to find or create groups according to their interests. Some people love traveling, while others like to connect with . . . .

Download the App

From the IOS App Store or the Google Play Store.

Sign up

Enter your basic details such as Name, Phone Number, Country etc to create an account.

Join New Groups, Or Create your own

Based on your country or our categories, join the groups that interest you and you're good to go! Or Create your own group and start inviting people to join.


The best way to interact with like-minded people and discover new events. There's a group for whatever you're interested in and if there isn't, you can always create one!

Your group, your community
Explore knowledge and creativity with a new group. Immerse yourself in interesting discussions with like-minded people. Keep your group private or public at your freedom.
Just search & join
Search specific keywords and join your preferred groups. Be a thought-leader of the sensation.
Ultimate aesthetic and user interface
User-oriented aesthetics and interface allow users to gain an enriched virtual experience. Folks are more connected and secure with each other.
app screenshot
Personalized feed
No worry about constant beeping. Mute, control notifications whenever you want. Keep yourself updated on the previous topic or new topics in your group list.
Meaningful discussion around the corner
Express your thoughts louder through text, photos and live videos. Participate in post-based discussions for deep engagement.
Discover nearby events from anywhere
You’ll never miss nearby events. Stay connected with your community from anywhere.

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Morbi velit leo, sodales in purus eu, pretium accumsan nunc. Praesent eu diam ut ante consequat euismod. Donec lectus nunc, accumsan condimentum lacinia vel.


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Vivamus ornare feugiat orci eu faucibus. Phasellus nulla arcu, pharetra nec laoreet in, scelerisque a lectus. Sed gravida convallis sapien, in laoreet orci sagittis eget.

Frequently Asked Questions

GroupsApp is a dedicated online community app. It allows you to create or join groups to connect with people of same interest. Build your community, and join in meaningful discussions through text, photos, and live videos.

The GroupsApp is available on the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS users.

GroupsApp is totally useful for you. It is a space to connect with like-minded people. You can take part in endless discussions. Build a community that is based on value and positivity. Yet, keep updated about your nearby events.

app screenshot

Blog Posts

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum augue in pulvinar vestibulum.

Online Communities

Online communities are all around us, both online and offline. We are part of various communities such as those formed by our family, friends, coworkers.

Online Community: 10 Different Types You Should Know About

Different types of online communities exist in the world.

7 Things to Remember for a Successful Business Online Group

Creating an online group is an effective marketing strategy.

Download The App

Create your community of similar interests people. Express out loud yourself through text, photos and live videos.


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